Resources for Providers
Below are resources about PANS/PANDAS diagnosis, treatment, physician community support, and further education including CMEs.
Our Kids Need YOU!

Diagnosis and Treatment of PANS/PANDAS
The latest evidenced-based publications on diagnosis and tiered treatment
Diagnosis and Treatment
Flow Chart
Guidelines and workflows were approved by practitioners of the PANDAS Physicians Network Scientific Advisory Board. Includes definitions of severity and appropriate treatment.
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
A single issue devoted to published guidelines on diagnosing and treating PANS/PANDAS (2017) which represent current “best practices.”
Clinical Support and Resources for PANS/PANDAS
Essential websites to support those treating PANS/PANDAS
- Annual Conference Host
- Education Resources and CME
- Expert Consultation Panel
- Family Resources to share
- Published Standards of Care
- Tools for Diagnosis and Treatment
- Education Resources and CME
- Research Grants
- Clinician Toolkits
- Education Resources and CME
- Family Resources to share
- Multidisciplinary Resources
There are a wide variety of informative videos on PANS/PANDAS.
Here are a couple of videos to get you started.
Consider PANS/PANDAS as a differential diagnosis, as outlined in this simple but detailed introduction. Great to share with colleagues, patients, families, and educators.
(8 minutes)
For providers who want a short explanation of the diagnosis and treatment of PANS/PANDAS by a leading PANS/PANDAS researcher and practitioner.
Presented by Susan Swedo, MD
(10 minutes)
Presented by Susan Swedo, MD(1 hour, 45 minutes)
A documentary of three teens who tell their stories of living and recovering with PANS and PANDAS.
Presented by The PANDAS Network (22 minutes)

Thank You!!!
With your help we are one step closer to closing the gap between symptom onset and access to treatment for PANS/PANDAS.