Stacy Higginbotham

Stacy Higginbotham

Finally, IVIG is Approved!

Image text IVIG Approved

Not sure how it all happened. Honestly, I think it was a fluke. We went through so much to approve the original denial for IVIG to treat my son’s PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) and PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder…

Dear Texas PANS Advisory Council:

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I stumbled across information last year about the Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome Advisory Council (PANSAC). The council is hosted by the Texas Department of Health and Human Services and has representatives from providers, legislators, community leaders, and parents.  Each quarter…

Let’s Talk About Money

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One of my big goals is to retire ASAP! Have you heard of the FIRE movement? F – Financial I – Independence R – Retire E – Early I’m not talking about retiring tomorrow although, I think I could handle…

IVIG Denied

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I feel like I am forging a path through the jungle. I have my machete, my bug spray, and a treasure map with a big “X” on it. But that’s it. No GPS. No voice telling me to turn left.…